RSE "Kazgidromet"

VK Project LLP completed in 2014 the project for the supply of the GRAW upper-air sounding system, manufactured by GRAW Radosondes GmbH & Co. KG, Germany. RGP "Kazgidromet" acted as the customer and end user.
This system of upper-air atmospheric sounding GRAW is a complex of interacting instruments and auxiliary devices intended for obtaining and processing quantitative data of meteorological parameters of the atmosphere.
In the course of the work, the equipment was supplied, installed, set up, and the software was customized. The upper-air station staff was trained in the principles of operation, and assisted in developing skills for efficient work with the system.
At the moment, the implemented system works smoothly, without failures, the upper-air station completely switched to work with this complex. Continuing technical support and warranty service.
LLP "VK Project" completed in 2014 the project of supplying the "Automatic marine station of hydrometeorological and ecological monitoring AADI YSI EMM 2.0", manufactured by "Aanderaa Data Instruments A / S", Norway. The customer and end user was RSE "Kazgidromet".
This system of hydro meteorological and ecological monitoring AADI is a set of interacting instruments and hydrological sensors installed on the buoy body of AADI YSI EMM 2.0 and intended for obtaining and processing quantitative data of hydro chemical and hydro physical parameters of the hydrosphere.
In the course of the work, we delivered, installed, adjusted the equipment, and customized the software. Ecologists and hydrologists were trained for the principles of operational exploitation, assistance was provided in creating skills for effective work with the system.
At the moment, the implemented system is working properly, without failures, the trained staff of employees conducts remote work with this complex. Technical support and guarantee maintenance continues.